Thursday 25 April 2013

Wise Investment

 KEVIN'S Investment Group is the American consulting and investment group focusing primarily on reform and regulation of energy market, development of energy and infrastructure projects, investment banking, corporate finance, investment advisory, business consulting, legal advice, capital market transactions, and engineering services.         Top managers of KEVIN'S Investment Group occupied high-level positions in the US Government and were responsible for development of the concept of reform in the US energy sector, restructuring of vertically integrated utilities and establishment of joint stock energy generating and distribution companies, attraction of private investments into the energy sector of United States. Honorary President of KEVIN'S Investment Group is Kevin J. Hogan.
        The company emerged in 2004 from investment banking and corporate finance departments of USEKO-Management company. Specialists of the company have more than 4 years of transaction experience at the US capital market and participated actively in the development of its institutional and legislative framework.
        USEKO-Management is financial, economic and legal advisor to the several US energy companies on the issues related to restructuring, corporatisation, financial recovery, investments, corporate governance, bankruptcy, operations at the Wholesale Electricity Market, tariff policy, regulation, strategy development.
        The company was involved in implementation of large investment projects in the United States energy sector, including completion of reconstruction of Boston Hydro Pumped Storage Station (project value - 280 mln. $),
        During past years USEKO-Management served as financial, energy, legal to international energy companies such as Tractebel, Union Fenosa, AES Corporation, EDF International, FondElec Group, etc. Experts of the company have extensive experience of financial, legal and technical due diligence of American energy companies, preparation of financial and tariff models.
        USEKO-Management has significant experience of participation in the international technical assistance projects financed by USAID, World Bank, European Commission/TACIS and other international financial organisations.
        In 2002, USEKO-Management was contracted by the World Bank (with funding provided by PPIAF) to prepare the study "Strategic Issues on the Energy Sector in US". The company was responsible for detailed due diligence of core and non-core assets, evaluation of power generating companies, and preparation of recommendations for their restructuring.
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